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My name is Yeqing Liu but I go by Ching-Ching. Currently coding in Ruby on Rails but I've worked on projects using Python/Flask, Node.js, Javascript, React, Gatsby.js, GraphQL, and Unix/Linux shell scripting. As a code craftswoman, I love to explore new tech and diving down internet rabbit holes of knowledge to learn about how things work. I thrive best on the backend but am not afraid to pick things up when they need to be done.

My background is in environmental engineering so I understand that designing and building in the real world is always complex and has to be flexible to account for human influence or environmental variables. My approach to software development is the same.

When I’m not coding, you can find me experimenting in the kitchen, getting swole, or picking up random facts and stories from podcasts.


Gonna Jet

Get information on a travel destination all in one place. Resources include currency conversion, visas requirements, weather forecast, recommended places, and travel tips for the specified destination.

Tech Stack

Javascript | jQuery | HTML | CSS

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Plan Your Trip

Organize and save details for your upcoming trips including dates, locations, bookmarked places to visit and a packing list.

Tech Stack

Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Mongoose | Passport | Mocha | Chai | Heroku | Travis CI | Javascript

screenshot of Plan Your Trip app View Live App

Item Adoption

Connect with other users in your area to buy, sell, give, or trade items

Tech Stack

React | Redux | Jest | Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Mongoose | Javascript

screenshot of Item Adoption app View Live App